As a source of information for consumers, we take pride in the independence of our reviews. We believe it’s crucial to provide unbiased, honest opinions to help people make informed decisions. That’s why we never accept payment for reviews, and no product with a star rating has been paid for.
Alongside our editorial content, we also offer advertorial feature content. However, this content is always clearly marked and tagged as “sponsored,” ensuring transparency for our readers.
Occasionally, we may accept trips and hospitality to attend shows and see products. While we appreciate these opportunities, they do not influence our thoughts or opinions on the products we review. However, they may affect which products we cover, as we may not have had the opportunity to see them otherwise.
Most of the products we review are sent to us by the companies involved, typically as a result of our request. We review only the products we believe are worth reviewing, and we always return them upon request or at the end of the agreed-upon loan period.
When it comes to our reviews, we use a scoring system of 1 to 5 stars. One and two-star ratings indicate products that are best avoided, while three stars indicate a good to very good product. Four stars represent an excellent product, and a five-star rating is reserved for products of exceptional quality that have surpassed our expectations.
In summary, our goal is to provide our readers with trustworthy, unbiased reviews to help them make informed decisions about the products they purchase.
We strive for impartiality in our editorial content, produced by our team of writers and journalists. However, we need to generate revenue to cover website expenses and staff salaries.
One way we do this is through affiliate links to products and services on retailer sites. If you click on these links or make purchases through them, we may receive compensation.
Additionally, we occasionally publish paid-for content, which is always labeled as sponsored or promoted. This ensures transparency, and you can always distinguish between editorial and sponsored content on our site.